The Blog
Revolutionizing Call Centers: The Power of AI and Contact Center
Revolutionizing Call Centers: The Power of AI and the Contact Center In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in contact centers is becoming increasingly prominent. AI has the potential to revolutionize call center...
Hey Big Spenders! Cloud Spend Management: Getting the Most Out of Your Cloud Investment
Navigate Your Cloud Spend with Confidence - Know How to Get The Most Out of Your Services! If you're running a business, chances are you're relying on multiple cloud technologies in some capacity. From Dropbox, your VoIP phone system to Microsoft, Google Cloud...
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Internet Solutions Beyond the Cable and Phone Companies
As a company, having a reliable and fast internet connection is crucial for your operations. However, if you are located in an area where cable and phone companies can't provide internet services or if your bill is going to be much higher than you were hoping for, you...
Your Biggest Vulnerability When It Comes To Your Company’s Data? The Human. Here’s How to Stop The Danger.
Potential threats to your organization from cyber attacks starts with the people. We as business drivers have become dependent on digital tools and systems to operate effectively. Unfortunately, this dependency comes with a significant drawback: the increasing...
The Dangers of Being Technologically Ignorant: Why You Need to Embrace Technology to Succeed in Business
Not too long ago, I was having lunch with a friend and we started talking about his pride in being a Luddite and how technology was really not useful in his business (I won't go into what kind of business to protect the innocent here). I've heard this from him before...
What is a CRM System and Why Does Your Business Need One?
Streamline your customer interactions and boost your sales with a CRM system - talk to your customers like never before. Today's competitive business landscape is more fierce than ever, it's more important than it has ever been to have a solid understanding of your...